We offer a constantly revolving selection of:
Pale Ale
That’s how far it is from Josh’s home to the brewery. Although he grew up in the North Country of NH, life took him a bit further away. This is one of only two of our beers that has the English malt Pearl holding down the base. The hops in this beer give it a spicy, floral character that makes it unique among our NEIPAs. Look for aromas of tropical fruit, pine, and herbs.
Pale Ale
A collaboration between Colorado Brew (younger brother Adam) and IFB, that’s how far it is from Adam’s house to the brewery. Although he grew up in NH, life took him a little further away. This pale ale has a lower ABV than our IPAs and a little less “bite”, but with all the flavor and aroma we could muster. Look for tropical flavors with notes of citrus and melon.
That’s how far it is from Tim’s home to the brewery. Although he has lived further away, he just had to come back to where he grew up. This is one of only two of our beers that has the English malt Pearl holding down the base. The hops in this beer give it hints of tangerine, stone fruits, and berries on the palate. Look for an aromas of citrus and melon.
Although we originally brewed this Double IPA to gain the admiration of one of our local patrons, it has now become a favorite of many. Bursting with Citra hops that add a smooth, citrusy bitterness, the base malt of this beer starts sweet and clean.
Helles Lager
As you may know, “après” is French for “after.” This clean, straightforward helles lager is an easy drinking lighter beer. Whether après biking, après ski, or après work, it’s a great way to celebrate the day.
Tropical and orange, with hints of white grape, lemongrass, and red currant, this NEIPA stands out from our others due to the Topaz and Enigma hops found in it. And you bet, another road/mountain/gravel biking connection in the name.
Blood Orange fruit is added to this Double IPA to make the flavors pop. With fruity notes of apricot and berry as well as aromas of pine and stone fruits derived from the hops, this beer is often enjoyed by folks who say they don’t usually like IPAs. Was this named for the world in the popular video game? The magnificent waterfalls in Franconia Notch? Or the city in the epic space saga? Feel free to believe your own theory.
Golden Ale
Another sunny-hued light, easy drinking ale with just the right amount of sweetness, maltiness, and a hint of fruit notes that comes from the hops. We also whirlpool hops on this brew to give it a touch more aroma on the nose.
When we first walked into the space we now call IFB, we knew it was destined to be a brewery. Atop the original cupola was a bent weathervane we affectionately deemed, you guessed it, The Crooked Cricket. You can now find it standing strong and high between the barn and the brewhouse at the same angle we originally found it. This NEIPA has light floral and stone fruit aromas along with zesty tangerine on the pallet.
Don’t let the style name (Extra Special Bitter) stop you from trying our English style pale ale. Although it is special, it is not “extra bitter” despite its name. Copper in color and malty in taste, Echo is medium bodied and richly flavored. The name of this beer is given by the large megaphone type horn formerly located at Echo Lake used by sight-seers to make an echo. Go ahead and give it a Google search!
German Festival Beer
This light, easy drinking, smooth lager is our take on a beer served traditionally at Oktoberfest. As you may know, Oktoberfest is actually celebrated in Germany mid to late September through the first weekend in October. Drink this seasonal beer while you can get it.
A hazy that might remind you of dropping down the front of Cannon Mountain on skis or board. With flavors of grapefruit and pineapple and aromas of apricot and peach, we hope you enjoy this tribute to a local legend.
If this phrase means something to you, we at IFB hope this beer will as well. This NEIPA tastes of tropical fruits, dank citrus, and a bit piney with a strong, satisfying aroma.
Blonde Ale
Named in honor of the river that runs through our beautiful town, this light, easy drinking ale is made with a simple malt base and traditional German hops. If possible, enjoy it on the deck or in the beer garden overlooking the river.
Weather-wise, a sundog is a phenomenon that occurs when sunlight refracts through ice crystals in the atmosphere creating colored spots of light in the sky. However, our SunDog has a double meaning which not only includes this, but also the dogs in our lives who love being outside (especially golden retrievers). Look for a fresh, zesty aroma with powerful grapefruit and citrus flavors, as well as notes of white wine.
Golden Ale
Our sunny-hued light, easy drinking ale with just the right amount of sweetness, maltiness, and a hint of fruit notes that comes from the hops. It is named for the small, white wildflower found here in New Hampshire with glossy evergreen leaves and bright yellow roots.
Named in part for a favorite trail of many of us, this is a collaboration between Colorado Brew (younger brother Adam) and IFB. Look for flavors of pineapple, papaya, and apricot with a zest of citrus. We encourage you to take a moment and look up the other connections the Greenleaf family name has to Franconia.
We are proud to be a supporter of the Ales for A.L.S. (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) program along with many other breweries around the world. In 2024, the program raised over $1 million for A.L.S. research and therapy totalling over $8 million since the program’s inception. The exclusive hop blend is different every year. We combine the Ales for A.L.S. hops supplied to us with a bit of Citra to increase the strong, but smooth, citrusy flavor profile. We then donate a portion of the sales of this IPA to the program. Enjoy this NEIPA in memory of someone or knowing that you are helping to find a cure for this disease
Belgian Blonde
The yeast used in this light, sunny colored ale gives it a balance of delicate fruit esters and subtle spicy notes, while the hops lend a bit of bitterness and citrus. This beer is a cousin to our Belgian Triple (Three Gnomes) and their little brother (Little Gnome).
Our original saison named after New Hampshire’s State Flower. This beer is fruity, spicy, and refreshing. Saisons are Belgian style ales whose name comes from the French word for “season.”
Belgian Pale Ale
Light in color with somewhat spicy/fruity character, our tribute to a Belgian Pale is soft and smooth with light hop character. This is the little brother of our Belgian Triple, Three Gnomes.
Light but flavorful, we hope you will enjoy our version of this style whether after a long bike ride or long day. Pilsners are one of the most popular beers in the world due to their crisp, refreshing taste. Clean with notes of herbal tea and honey, our brew’s flavor is rounded out with traditional German hops.
This street will never be the same since all four IFB founders lived there together back in the day. Our unique brew uses malt and hops that can’t be found in any of our other IPAs. Look for strong citrus aromas with a taste that blends new and old world flavors.
Our tribute to a local icon, this favorite is just as distinct as the area itself. With a complex flavor profile that includes citrus, floral, pine, and berries, we hope the taste satisfies those who enjoy a bolder NEIPA.
Hoppy Wheat Ale
A hoppy take on a wheat ale, this brew (like our IPAs) is hop forward and has a little lower ABV.
Pastry Stout
This big, dark, sweet beer is a once a year kind of brew. Some refer to pastry stouts as desert beers. We often “dry hop” it with cookies such as Oreos, Mint Oreos, or Butter Fingers. This beer is served in a smaller serving due to the alcohol content. example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
This brew was created to celebrate the collaboration between the three local mountain biking groups (Franconia Area NEMBA, PRKR MTN Trails, and Bethlehem Trails Association). Enjoy plenty of citrus and floral character on the nose as well as the palate.
Imperial Stout
Old Stone Stack is the nickname of the original Iron Furnace located just down the road and across the river. A big, dark beer made with NH maple syrup, coffee, and chocolate, this stout is a seasonal favorite of many. We serve this beer in a smaller serving due to the alcohol content. Consider letting it warm up just a bit to bring out its robust flavors.
A word play on another name for saisons, Farmhouse Ale, which are Belgian style ales whose name comes from the French word for “season.” This floral, yet spicy and dry beer stands out from our other saisons due to the Azacca hops in this one.
Named for the famed one day professional bicycle road race in France, this saison has just as much character as the rough, cobblestone terrain the competition is held on. Dry, but sweet,, and a little spicy, we hope you enjoy this saison just as much as our others. Roubaix is pronounced “roo-bay”. Saisons are Belgian style ales whose name comes from the French word for “season.”
Pale Ale
With a lower ABV than our IPAs and a little less “bite,” but with all the flavor and aroma we could muster. Be sure to enjoy after a pedal on the bike, or any time for that matter. Look for a fruity taste with notes of apricot, berry, and citrus with an earthy, floral aroma.
Fruited Sour
At the request of a family member this beer was first brewed, and has now become a staple of our lineup. This “OG” version is made with whole raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries that give its flavor and color. As you may know, the pH in the name (pronounced “fool”) gives tribute to the acidity required to brew this beer. Lactose and yeast come together to make it sour. If you’ve never had a sour, give it three sips before you decide if you like it.
Paying tribute to the road The Frost Place resides upon (the family home of poet Robert Frost from 1915-1920), this Double IPA is as brilliant and straightforward as Frost’s poems themselves. Charged with Mosaic hops, this double has aromas of pineapple, passion fruit, and mango with flavors of citrus and pine.
Named in tribute to a patron and friend, this Saison is bold, full flavored, dry, and spicy. Saisons are Belgian style ales whose name comes from the French word for “season.”
Fruited Sour
This version of our sour is made with mango and pineapple. While the pH in the name (pronounced “fool”) gives tribute to the acidity required to brew this beer, there are different opinions as to whom stubborn refers. You be the judge. Lactose and yeast come together to make it sour. If you’ve never had a sour, give it three sips before you decide if you like it.
A native flower to New Hampshire that has five small red, pink, or white petals, our tribute to this flower has flavors of orange and grapefruit with aromas of stone fruit and pineapple.
Fruited Blonde
Light bodied and slightly malty with the perfect amount of peaches added, this beer is one of our seasonal favorites. We try to offer this ale from late spring to early fall.
While it’s name comes from one of our favorite mountain bike trails, we’ve nicknamed this one our “super saison” due to it’s higher than normal ABV. Dry with a little spice due to the yeast, we’ve topped this one off with some good old fashioned Cascade and Centennial hops. Saisons are Belgian style ales whose name comes from the French word for “season.”
American Porter
If you’ve been in Northern New England very long, you’ve experienced the season “third winter” and probably have your own definition of what it is and when it occurs. This dark, malty beer has a character of roasted coffee, semi-sweet chocolate, and a touch of caramel with hops that make you feel warm as it goes down. We hope this porter makes “third winter” just a bit more bearable.
Belgian Triple
Golden, strong, and somewhat dry, this big beer is still smooth with fruity and spicy notes on the nose and palette. If you like this beer but would like a little less kick, keep your eyes open for and consider its little brother (Little Gnome) or its cousin (Knees in the Breeze).
American Brown
This gently sweet, but darker brown ale is a fan favorite with notes of chocolate, nuts, and toffee. It is dry hopped to give it a warm floral aroma. Our tribute to a favorite way to get to the top of Cannon Mountain.
Some call this our “flagship” NEIPA as it was our first IPA tasted by our patrons. It has a floral aroma, with flavors of tropical fruits and citrus.
Milk Stout with Chocolate
This dark ale is made with lactose giving it sweetness and full body. Ghirardelli chocolate is added to increase the rich flavor already in the roasted malts used in this brew. It’s as smooth as its namesake, the popular ski trail.
Yes, this beer is a tribute to the now classic album by the Foo Fighters. Dark, rich, and full bodied, with notes of chocolate and coffee.
115 Main St, Franconia, NH 03580, United States of America
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Iron Furnace Brewing